Tuesday 2 September 2008

Australia's Wake-Up Call - Obesity Costs Now At $58 Billion Type 2 Diabetes Crisis

�A new Access Economics Report commissioned by Diabetes Australia has found that 3.71 million Australians are weighty with a current estimated cost to the carry Nation of $58 billion.

The report titled "Growing economic costs of obesity in 2008" reveals that thither has been a 137% increase since 2005 in the numeral of Australians who have type 2 diabetes as a resolution of being obese.

The total price of corpulency includes $8.3 billion in fiscal costs and $49.9 billion in the note value of befuddled wellbeing, which accounts for years of healthy living lost through disability and /or premature death.

Commenting on the report, National President of Diabetes Australia Dr Gary Deed aforementioned, "These new figures ar tragic and frightening and represent a wake-up call for the nation. They show that previous estimates of the epidemic's size and toll were identical much unostentatious. The corpulency epidemic in Australia is having a direct and catastrophic influence on increasing the incidence of type 2 diabetes. We acknowledge that fleshiness and type 2 diabetes can be prevented and we need to make fundamental changes in the way we live to arrest the escalating crisis. The theme underlines the need to shift our focus on health and wellbeing and make prevention our precedence."

Dr Deed said, "The fight against obesity requires a new approach that considers the economic and social conditions under which we alive and how this is impacting on our health. Long-term policy planning is needed on issues such as urban design, solid food labelling, workplace initiatives, life-style education, and making healthy choices easier for Australians and their families. Governments must play outside of concern for their electric current electoral cycle to address the blowup of corpulency and diabetes."

The Access Economics Report updates figures collated in 2006 and shows that:

-- 17.5% of the Australian population is corpulent representing 16.5% of all males and 18.5% of all females

-- 242,000 Australians have type 2 diabetes as a result of being rotund; a 137% increase from the 102,000 estimated in 2005, due in part to new AIHW estimates of the gist of diabetes attributable to obesity, as well as to increases in the prevalence of obesity over the past three days.

-- 644,843 Australians have cardio vascular disease as a result of being obese, up from 379,000 Australians in 2005 - a 70% increase;

-- 422,274 Australians have osteoarthritis as a result of beingness obese, up from 225,000
Australians in 2005 - an 88% increase

-- 30,127 Australians have colorectal, breast, uterine or kidney cancer as a solution of being obese, up from 20,430 IN 2005 - a 47% increase.

Economic costs of obesity were largest in NSW at $19 zillion followed by Victoria at $14.4 billion and Queensland at $11.6 billion.

The growing economic costs of obesity in 2008 was prepared by Access Economics for Diabetes Australia, and funded through an unrestricted grant from sanofi-aventis. It will be launched at Senator Guy Barnett's 2008 Healthy Lifestyle Forum at 10am on 22 August 2008.

The growing economic costs of obesity in 2008 study can be downloaded from http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au.

Definition of obesity:

Obesity is the accumulation of excessive fat in the body, defined as Body Mass Index (BMI) over 30 for adults. Obesity is coupled to hereditary, perinatal, socioeconomic and other factors, but is primarily due to energy imbalance.

Diabetes Australia

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